White Antler

White deer holds a place in the mythology of many cultures. In the Chronicles of Narnia, the White deer is fabled to grant wishes to whoever catches her/him.

IT wanders through the tangled forests and wild moorlands of our distant past.   Elusive and rare, our forefathers may have caught a glimpse in some hidden glade in the woods,  or seen it moving ghost-like across the wild moors, or maybe stood high on a rocky outcrop crowned against the sky. 

The white stag has always been something to be desired yet always out of reach. Always leading the hunt onwards, ever onwards, to a destiny ordained by the gods.Unsuccessful pursuit of the white deer represents mankind’s quest for spiritual knowledge.

In the Arthurian legend, the white stag/hind is the creature that can never be caught.
In Japanese mythology white deer are considered messengers to the gods in Shinto.

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